Thursday, January 20, 2011

American Idol: I Kinda Love J-Lo and Steven Tyler ... and Miley Cyrus

Hand on the belly, Randy, hand on the belly ... perfect!

I gotta admit, I was a little nervous when season 10 of American Idol started off with 60,000 people chanting, "Jersey! Jersey! Jersey!" but last night's premier was fantastic.

Obviously the most concerning issue going into last night was the likability of the new judges, J-Lo and Steven Tyler, and Idol's ability to overcome the loss of a British man who attempted to revolutionize the way American's look at buttons on shirts. But Steven Tyler was great (because quite frankly, he's out of his mind) and J-Lo is just so absolutely ridiculously beautiful and holy smokes is she amazing! was very sweet and kind and fun and proved to be more than just a pretty face and body and holy guacamole. J-Lo's New Yorker Puerto Rican twang also gives her some street cred and helps make up for the loss of Simon's British accent. Also, last night she actually said "oy" as in "oy-vey" as in "Oy-vey, I can't believe little Joshua is dating a shiksa. Is he serious? He can't be serious. Ugh, and this corned beef is terrible. And such small portions."

Oh, aren't you just ...

The highlight of the show for me (besides some almost, ALMOST, tear jerking storylines) was the Japanese dude who sang and danced to Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA," a song that I did not realize I liked so much. Seriously, it's an amazing song. I defy you, I DEFY YOU to listen to that song and not bob your head. (clip below)

And now for TV My Wife Watches confession #347:

I think I really really really like Miley Cyrus and everything she's doing. More than just that song, I also support Miley's recent appearances on TMZ, giving dude's lap dances and smoking bongs. I also kind of like her raspy voice, her clean hair and total obliviousness for what goes on in a normal person's life. I saw her on Regis and Kathie Lee a few months ago and was really impressed by her ability to look and sound exactly like my Aunt Maxine. I support you Miley Cyrus and I totally understand why people hate you.

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