Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday's Wifey: Coco aka The Most Interesting Woman in the World

Choosing which picture of Coco and Ice-T to use was VERY difficult.

Welcome to a new weekly feature here on TV My Wife Wizzles, "Wednesday's Wifey," where I will be profiling a different wife every Wednesday who may or may not have full control over her husband's remote.

To be honest, I have no idea what "profiling a different wife" means and am not sure what "Wednesday's Wifey" is going to be like, but I was just brainstorming ideas while trimming my eyebrows the other day and this one sounded good.

The inspiration comes from Coco, Ice-T's wife who posts the weekly tweets, "Titty Tuesday" and "Thong Thursday." Amazingly, even though I'm more of a titty man, I actually like "Thong Thursday" more. Possibly because Coco has one of the most bonkers asses you'll ever see. So why not have Coco be TVMWW's first ever Wednesday's Wifey?!?!

That's an interesting move, Coco.

My friend Aubre turned me onto Coco with this tweet of her own:

If you guys don't follow @  you're living a f***ing lie. Also missing a lot of pictures of her INSANE ass. Re-evaluate your life!

That pretty much sums it up.

You can follow Coco on Twitter or read her blog, aptly named "The Coco Blog."

Also, here's an old post that Aubre and I wrote together before I truly appreciated Coco and her RIDICULOUS butt. Aubre and The Evster analyze Law and Order: SVU here.  

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