Thursday, February 17, 2011

TVMWW's New Header Picture Contest!

This French Onion soup could be yours!

Got an email from my friend Schmoopie today suggesting I make a new header picture for this here blog-blog, because the Real Housewives of New Jerz are sooo 2010. I wrote him back saying this header took me five hours to make and that HE should make me a new header. He then responded by saying that he has a child and can't do anything anymore.

AND SO, I hereby announce the first ever TVMWW's New Header Picture Contest!

Send in your submissions to and I will display any and all pictures. The winner will get a free bowl of soup!

Also, yes, I totally realize that there's ZERO CHANCE that anybody out there will actually make a new header picture, but if you do, FREE BOWL OF SOUP!!! ... ANY SOUP!!! ... my personal favorite is French Onion, but that's just me!

Below are pictures of two other headers that I made that fateful night when I stayed up until 4:00 am concocting this shitbox of a blog.

***Evster's note 2/18:  received a few amazing submissions, thank you to all who submitted ... we'll end this contest on Wednesday and post the winner's new header and all submissions on Thursday. 

Almost went with this one!

I still haven't blogged about the Kardashians ... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

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